I'm having trouble understading this function. I know what register_globals is and how long it has been depreciated from PHP but I'm looking at this code and I'm like, what in the?...
//Undo register_globals
function unregister_globals() {
if (ini_get(register_globals)) {
$array = array('_REQUEST', '_SESSION', '_SERVER', '_ENV', '_FILES');
foreach ($array as $value) {
foreach ($GLOBALS[$value] as $key => $var) {
if ($var === $GLOBALS[$key]) {
The part in which I'm not understanding is this...
foreach ($array as $value) {
foreach ($GLOBALS[$value] as $key => $var) {
if ($var === $GLOBALS[$key]) {
This foreach loop is cycling through each value in $array we defined then the inner foreach loop is grabbing a super global array from GLOBALS whether it is _REQUEST, _SESSION, _SERVER, _ENV, _FILES, etc... Afterwords it seems like the condional is checking to see if $var is equal to a GLOBAL variable or what not. If so then we'll unset it.
But I'm still having a major difficulty wrapping my head around this one...
UPDATE Here is the snippet of code I'm experimenting with and debugging. What happens if register_globals is on, and a hacker comes barreling along, inserts ?auth=1 into the query string? Will auth be deleted from GLOBALS or will it be echoed out?
if( true ) {
$globals = array(
foreach($globals as $global) {
foreach($GLOBALS[$global] as $k => $v) {
/* $GLOBALS['_GET'] on the first loop; */
/* IF WE SAY, $GLOBALS['app_dir'], WE GET THE VALUE */
if( $v == $GLOBALS[$k] ) {
echo "K=> " . $k . "<br />";
echo "V => " . $v . "<br />";
echo "GLOB => " . $GLOBALS[$k] . "<br />";
echo $authorized; // a intentional non-defined variable
Thanks for your time.
Now that I was able to see how this actually works, I was able to wrap my head around it. Essentially if users are using PHP 5.3.0 or below and 'register_globals' is enabled, hackers can query common variables names such as 'authorized', 'username', etc to feed in there own values if the variable was already defined by the developer.
if( is_authorized() ) {
$auth = 1;
if( $auth ) {
// do authorization code here!!!
} else {
You can see $auth is condiotionally defined. If a hacker comes along and tries something like, index.php?auth=1 or index.php?auth=true then PHP will register that as a global value, it'll be checked in the conditional, and our hacker will have access to the application.
I found that...
foreach ($array as $value) {
foreach ($GLOBALS[$value] as $key => $var) {
if ($var === $GLOBALS[$key]) {
... actually unsets these values and the hacker won't have access, however, there is also a bug as I previously thought. I have two globals in my framework called $app_dir and $sys_dir pointing to two important directories. If hackers come along and say something like index.php?app_dir=application&sys_dir=system then it'll actually unset those global variables from $GLOBALS. This calls for a potential danger inside of my framework for anyone using it on PHP 5.3.0 or below.
Basically how this works is the conditional checks to see if $var (our value, 'system') is equal to the same value as what's inside $GLOBAL['sys_dir']. Anyone know how to fix this?