Have a capybara script that among other things downloads absolute image links.
When trying to write those images to disk I receive an error:
File name too long
The output also includes a long list of all the image URLs in the array. I think a gsub
would solve this but I'm not sure which one or exactly how to implement it.
Here are a few sample image URLs that are part of the link array. A suitable substitute name would be g0377p-xl-3-24c1.jpg
or g0371b-m-4-6896.jpg
in these examples:
This is the code:
require "capybara/dsl"
require "spreadsheet"
require 'fileutils'
require 'open-uri'
def initialize
@excel = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new
@work_list = @excel.create_worksheet
@row = 0
imagelink = info.all("//*[@rel='lightbox[rotation]']")
@work_list[@row, 6] = imagelink.map { |link| link['href'] }.join(', ')
image = imagelink.map { |link| link['href'] }
File.basename("#{image}", "w") do |f|
You can use File.basename
to get just the filename:
uri = 'http://www.example.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/560x560/ced77cb19565515451b3578a3bc0ea5e/g/0/g0377p-xl-3-24c1.jpg'
File.basename uri #=> "g0377p-xl-3-24c1.jpg"