First of all, I'm using MASM in windows os. I'm trying to make an animation character 'O' that can be moved by the user and I chose A, W, S, and D to move it. The code works fine, however, the borders are blinking + the O can penetrates them.
Any idea how to fix this? I need the O to be moved ONLY in certain margins, which means it shouldn't go beyond my boarders.
Displayshape Macro
mov edx, offset shape
call writestring
setcur macro dl, dh
local bottom, quit, xcor, ycor, row, col, shape
xcor byte "Xcor is out of range",0
ycor byte "Ycor is out of range",0
.IF ( DL <0) || (DL > 79)
lea edx, xcor
call writestring
jmp quit
.IF( DH<0) || ( DH> 24)
lea edx, ycor
call writestring
jmp quit
call gotoxy
repeat 80
add dl, 1
mov eax, '*'
call writechar
row db ?
col db ?
shape db 'O',0
main PROC
mov eax, white + (Blue*16)
call setTextcolor
call clrscr
mov eax, white + (blue * 16)
call setTextColor
mov dh, 15
mov dl, 30
call gotoxy
mov row, dh
mov col, dl
call moveit
call crlf
exit ; exit to operating system
main ENDP
moveit proc
mov eax, white + ( blue * 16 )
call setTextcolor
call readchar
cmp al, 'w'
je moveup
cmp al, 's'
je movedown
cmp al, 'a'
je moveleft
cmp al, 'd'
je moveright
jmp exit1
call clrscr
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 20
setcur dl, dh
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 0
mov dh, 2
setcur dl, dh
mov dh, row
sub dh, 1
mov dl, col
call gotoxy
mov row, dh
mov col, dl
jmp get_key
call clrscr
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 20
setcur dl, dh
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 0
mov dh, 2
setcur dl, dh
mov dh, row
add dh, 1 ; move down needs incrementation
mov dl, col
call gotoxy
mov row, dh
mov col, dl
jmp get_key
call clrscr
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 20
setcur dl, dh
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 0
mov dh, 2
setcur dl, dh
mov dl, col
add dl, 2
mov dh, row
call gotoxy
mov row, dh
mov col, dl
jmp get_key
call clrscr
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 20
setcur dl, dh
mov dl, 0
mov dh, 0
mov dh, 2
setcur dl, dh
mov dl, col
sub dl, 2
mov dh, row
call gotoxy
mov row, dh
mov col, dl
jmp get_key
moveit endp
END main
I used an if statement in the method to the margins
such as : .if(dl > 77)
and it worked !