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JavaScript "this" references the wrong object within an event handler

I'm writing some MVC JavaScript code using Prototype. The problem is that when I reference this in the snippet below it does of course reference the Window object, whereas I need it to refer to my Controller instance so it can invoke my updateValue function, passing the HTML element ID.

I think I have to use bind or bindAsEventListener but I don't really understand how.

var Foo = {
  Controller: Class.create({
    observeEvents: function() {
      $$("#myform input").each(function(input) {
        input.observe("blur", this.updateValue(; // <- wrong this!

    updateValue: function(elementID) {

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • This should work.

        observeEvents: function() {
          var Controller = this;
          $$("#myform input").each(function(input) {
            input.observe("blur", Controller.updateValue.bind(Controller,;

    If you don't ever want to learn how to use bind (and frankly I don't blame you) then you can forget about it and just use another teensy closure.

        observeEvents: function() {
          var Controller = this;
          $$("#myform input").each(function(input) {
            input.observe("blur", function(event) {