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Mounting an encrypted obb apk expansion file in Android

I have created an encrypted .obb file using the jobb tool. I use the following code to mount the obb file:

    public void mountExpansion() {
    final StorageManager storageManager  = (StorageManager) getContext()

    String packageName = "name.of.the.package";
    String filePath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
            + "/Android/obb/" + packageName + "/" + "main."
            + version + "." + packageName + ".obb";
    final File mainFile = new File(filePath);
    if (mainFile.exists()) {
        Log.d("STORAGE", "FILE: " + filePath + " Exists");
    } else {
        Log.d("STORAGE", "FILE: " + filePath + " DOESNT EXIST");

    String key = "thisIsMyPassword";
    if (!storageManager.isObbMounted(mainFile.getAbsolutePath())) {
        if (mainFile.exists()) {
            if(storageManager.mountObb(mainFile.getAbsolutePath(), key,
                    new OnObbStateChangeListener() {
                        public void onObbStateChange(String path, int state) {
                            super.onObbStateChange(path, state);
                            Log.d("PATH = ",path);
                            Log.d("STATE = ", state+"");
                            expansionFilePath = storageManager.getMountedObbPath(path);
                            if (state == OnObbStateChangeListener.MOUNTED) {
                                expansionFilePath = storageManager
                            else {
                                Log.d("##", "Path: " + path + "; state: " + state);
                Log.d("STORAGE_MNT","SUCCESSFULLY QUEUED");

        } else {
            Log.d("STORAGE", "Patch file not found");


I am getting the following output: FILE: filePath Exists SUCCESSFULLY QUEUED

But nothing inside onObbStateChangeListener is getting called. I am calling this function from a custom view and testing this on Nexus 4/ KitKat.

What could be the reason for this behaviour?


  • There seems to be a bug with OBB mounting that was introduced with KitKat. Currently no workarounds are known however it should be fixed with the next incremental update.