I am using winston to make a self logger, which allow me to add the timestamps and line number in the logging. The code can accomplish the functionality each, but when combined, they don't work as expected.
// **help to add timestamp**
var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
transports : [new (winston.transports.Console)({
json : false,
timestamp : true,
colorize: true
}), new winston.transports.File({
filename : __dirname + '/debug.log',
json : true
,exitOnError : false
// **help me to add line number**
var logger_info_old = winston.info;
logger.info = function(msg) {
var fileAndLine = traceCaller(1);
return logger_info_old.call(this, fileAndLine + ":" + msg);
However, when line number configuration is added, timestamp for the logging will disappear.
For example, before adding the line number configuration.
2013-11-24T09:49:15.914Z - info:339:abc
when adding the line number configuration
info: (H:\Dropbox\node\fablab\utils\logging.js:85:abc
The optimal result i want is like
2013-11-24T09:49:15.914Z - info: (H:\Dropbox\node\fablab\app.js:339:abc
Can I fix this?
I got this to work and this is how I did it.
var transports = [
colorize: true,
prettyPrint: true,
timestamp : true,
level: 'debug',
var log = new(winston.Logger)({
"transports": transports
for (var func in winston.levels) {
var oldFunc = log[func];
log[func] = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
oldFunc.apply(log, args);
With that I got both the timestamp and the file. (note traceCaller(1) is from this stackoverflow question: I want to display the file Name in the log statement). I did the for loop over the winston.levels so I would pickup all the functions not just info.
The reason yours didn't work was your logger_info_old was from winston and not from logger. So
var logger_info_old = winston.info;
should have been
var logger_info_old = logger.info;