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How to set production environment for rails app being deployed with capistrano and passenger

Can't seem to find anything definitive here. When I 'cap deploy' my app, I am getting my files pushed over OK. However, the db is not being migrated. If I manually go to /myapp/current and run 'rake db:migrate' (should I have to do this?) the it creates db/development.sqlite which leads me to beleive my environment is set to dev. I have tried setting both set :deploy_env, "production" and set :rails_env, "production" in my delopy.rb file with no change. Any help appreciated.

PS Would be nice if I could add the migration as a part of the deploy, rather than have to manually do it.


  • Use cap db:migrate in order to run your migrations with Capistrano. As far as the environment is concerned, Multistage Extension could be really helpful.