I'm having a trouble with Mechanize gem, how to convert Mechanize::File into Mechanize::Page,
here's my piece of code:
**link** = page.link_with(:href => %r{/en/users}).click
when users link clicked it goes to the page with the list of users, now i want to click the first user, but i can't achieve this, because link return Mechanize::File object
Any help, suggestions 'd be great, thanks
Mechanize uses Content-Type to determine how the resource should be handled. Occasionally websites will not set the mime-types for their resources. Mechanize::File
is the default for unset Content-Type.
If you are only dealing with 'text/html'
you can following Jimm Stout's suggestion of using post_connect_hooks
agent = Mechanize.new do |a|
a.post_connect_hooks << ->(_,_,response,_) do
if response.content_type.empty?
response.content_type = 'text/html'