The Class-Path of a JAR is written in the Manifest file in the JAR. The following Bash code reads the Class-Path from a JAR, if it does not exceed the 72 char limit:
unzip -c "$1" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
sed -n 's/^Class-Path: \(.\+\)$/\1/p' |
tr -d '\r'
Right now I am calling the code with exec
in Ant but I would like to remove all exec
How to do the same in Ant without using unzip
, sed
and tr
You may want to try adding the following (in the beginning of your build.xml file where properties are defined) which puts the short Class-Path in property classpath
<loadresource property="classpath">
<zipentry zipfile="demo.jar" name="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"/>
<containsregex pattern="^Class-Path: (.+)$" flags="i"/>
<replaceregex pattern="^Class-Path: (.+)$" replace="\1" flags="i"/>
<tokenfilter><!-- get rid of trailing line separator -->
<replaceregex pattern="(\r?\n)+" replace="" flags="m"/>
Edit: If you put the following before the tokenfilter above, then it should also work for longer values of Class-Path (by first joining split lines):
<replaceregex pattern="\r?\n (.+)$" replace="\1" flags="m"/>