In ASP.NET webforms 2.0. Where are the assembly of app_code folder? I have a websited published in production, but haven't the app_code.dll in bin foder, the classes of app_code are all in app_code folder. Its is possible? My website execute those .cs files into app_code folder directly without assembly?
Thank you.
You are talking about website projects. The JIT compilation kicks in and produces the assembly at this location (depending on version):
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files
However, if you are talking about web application projects or WAPs, then the precompiled assembly with the name of the project resides in the bin folder. There is NO "app_code" magic folder.
That said, in website projects, you can change the temp folder to another folder of your choice by specifying the tempDirectory
attribute in the compilation
section of your web.config