I'm writing a little function that downloads a file from a TFTP server using VxWork
's tftpLib
(http://www.vxdev.com/docs/vx55man/vxworks/ref/tftpLib.html) - now I realized that my tftpGet() command is returning an error 1
but I'm not sure what errorcode 1 means. On the posted website it says:
But how do I know what 1
corresponds with?
The get portion of my code looks like this:
/* Initialize and createlocal file handle */
pFile = fopen("ngfm.bin","wb");
if (pFile != NULL)
/* Get file from TFTP server and write it to the file descriptor */
status = tftpGet (pTftpDesc, pFilename, pFile, TFTP_CLIENT);
printf("GOT %s\n",pFilename);
printf("Error in tftpGet()\nfailed to get %s from %s\nERRNO %d",pFilename,pHost, status);
No,The problem in fact was, that I didn';t get a valid file pointer but NULL because there's no such thing as a "current directory" like in Linux in VxWorks but I had to change my fopen to say something like pFile = fopen("flash:/ngfm.bin","wb");