I'm trying to plot a histogram for the following data:
"Statement A",50%
"Statement B",20%
"Statement C",30%
I used the set datafile separator ","
to obtain the corresponding columns. The plot should have percentage on the X-axis and the statements on the Y-axis (full character string). So each histogram is horizontal.
How can I do this in gnuplot? Or is there other tools for plotting good vector images?
The gnuplot histogram
and boxes
plotting styles are for vertical boxes. To get horizontal boxes, you can use boxxyerrorbars
For the strings as y-labels, I use yticlabels
and place the boxes at the y-values 0, 1 and 2 (according to the row in the data file, which is accessed with $0
I let gnuplot treat the second column as numerical value, which strips the %
off. It is added later in the formatting of the xtics:
set datafile separator ','
set format x '%g%%'
set style fill solid
plot 'data.txt' using ($2*0.5):0:($2*0.5):(0.4):yticlabels(1) with boxxyerrorbars t ''
The result with version 4.6.4 is: