I have a script when I'm trying to select locations in an inventory where quantity of said location is <= 5. The query is complete, now I'm trying to do some fine tuning, and what I'm running into now is when I use the distinct clause I am still receiving duplicate records in the same column. I do know the column next to the first are unique, but I thought distinguishing distinct and one column would roll over to next related to said column.
Here is my code:
select DISTINCT bin.scannable_id as bin,
bi.bin_id as case1,
pallet.scannable_id as pallet,
-- bi.isbn as fcsku,
nvl(fs.asin,bi.isbn) as asin,
sum(bi.quantity) as quantity,
pallet.creation_date as received_date
from containers bin
join containers pallet on pallet.containing_container_id = bin.container_id
join containers case on case.containing_container_id = pallet.container_id
join bin_items bi on bi.container_id = case.container_id
left join fcskus fs on fs.fcsku = bi.isbn
where bin.scannable_id like 'R-1-T%'
and bi.quantity <= '5'
group by bin.scannable_id, pallet.scannable_id, bi.bin_id, bi.owner,bi.isbn,nvl(fs.asin,bi.isbn), pallet.creation_date
order by sum(bi.quantity);
My output, which is obviously showing duplicate records in the scannable_id column:
Correct Formatting Thanks to conrad.
select DISTINCT bin.scannable_id as bin,
pallet.scannable_id as pallet,
nvl(fs.asin,bi.isbn) as asin,
sum(bi.quantity) as quantity
from containers bin
join containers pallet on pallet.containing_container_id = bin.container_id
join containers case on case.containing_container_id = pallet.container_id
join bin_items bi on bi.container_id = case.container_id
left join fcskus fs on fs.fcsku = bi.isbn
where bin.scannable_id like 'R-1-T%'
having sum(bi.quantity) <= '5'
group by bin.scannable_id, pallet.scannable_id, nvl(fs.asin,bi.isbn), bi.quantity
order by sum(bi.quantity);
As said on the comments you dont need a DISTINCT
if you have the group by
statement. And format your date field because depending on your oracle client configuration it will not show you the entire date format (e.g. date time). So try with this:
select bin.scannable_id as bin,
bi.bin_id as case1,
pallet.scannable_id as pallet,
nvl(fs.asin,bi.isbn) as asin,
to_char(pallet.creation_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as received_date
sum(bi.quantity) as quantity,
from containers bin
join containers pallet on pallet.containing_container_id = bin.container_id
join containers case on case.containing_container_id = pallet.container_id
join bin_items bi on bi.container_id = case.container_id
left join fcskus fs on fs.fcsku = bi.isbn
where bin.scannable_id like 'R-1-T%'
and bi.quantity <= '5'
group by bin.scannable_id,
to_char(pallet.creation_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
order by sum(bi.quantity);