I am using storyboards and RubyMotion. In my spec I have the following:
describe "SignUp scene" do
tests SignUpFacebook, :storyboard => 'LoginStoryboard', :id => 'SignUp'
it "some test" do
tap 'FirstName'
# some test here
In the view controller I have
class SignUpFacebook < UIViewController
def viewWillAppear animated
self.navigationController.setNavigationBarHidden (true, animated:false)
def viewWillDisappear animated
self.navigationController.setNavigationBarHidden (false, animated:false)
#some code to be tested
when I "rake spec" I get the error:
[ERROR: NoMethodError - undefined method `setNavigationBarHidden' for nil:NilClass]
so, the navigationController is nil. Am I missing something? Alternatively, can anyone suggest an approach for testing view controllers that reference the navigation controller? Also, for testing that the controller want to perform a segue in certain conditions. Is there some mock or stub I could use?
ok, I found an example of a method which overrides a (macbacon?) method that returns the controller. I've loaded the controller here and set up a navigation controller so the test runs now. Before each test is run, the sequence of events is:
def controller unless @controller storyboard = UIStoryboard.storyboardWithName("LoginStoryboard", bundle:nil) @controller = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier('SignUpFacebook') appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication.delegate appDelegate.setWindow UIWindow.alloc.initWithFrame(UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds) appDelegate.window.rootViewController = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController @controller end @controller end