Search code examples

Find text in File, Copy and Paste in Cells Excel VBA

I am writing a code in VBA to look into a file for a characters that the unser inputs in the macro, after the macro finds the characters provided by the user I want it to extract that whole line and past it in a sheet in excel by taking the first characters and placing them in cell 1a then taking the next set of characters which are seperated by a space in the text and placing them into another cell, here is what I have so far and want to replace line 17 with the extraction of data;

    Dim oFSO As Object
    Dim arrData() As String

    Sub test()
    Dim f As Integer
    Dim IngLine As Long
    Dim strLine As String
    Dim bInFound As Boolean
    f = FreeFile
    Tfile = "C:\TAXETI.TXT"
    staffdat = InputBox(Prompt:=" Please enter the staff number", Title:="Load Staff Data")
         Open Tfile For Input As #f
             Do While Not EOF(f)
                  IngLine = IngLine + 1
                  Line Input #f, strLine
                  If InStr(1, strLine, staffdat, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
                     MsgBox "Search string found in line" & IngLine, vbInformation
                     bInFound = True
                     Exit Do
                  End If
             Close #f
             If Not bInFound Then
             MsgBox "Search string not found", vbInformation
             End If
    End Sub 


  • I suggest you look into the Split() function.

    MSDN Reference

    Another example

    I Think your code would end up like the following in #17(You would have to either trim/determine where to 'tokenize' your line, depending what your input file looks like):

    If InStr(1, strLine, staffdat, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
     foundArr = Split(strLine, " ")'change " " to whatever fits your needs
     For i = LBound(foundArr) to UBound(foundArr)
        'enter each string into a cell, etc
     Next i