I have an existing project with a directory structure like public/angular/ . But in angular generator everything goes to app . How can I modify that behaviour and customise it ? .For starters I am just trying to change app folder to public/angular/
I tried first by changing the
this.env.options.appPath = 'public/angular';
But this caused erratic behaviour casing some file to go into public/angular and rest into app/ . Currently bower_components and views and others(404.html and favicon.ico) are stuck in app/ rest are in public/angular
For current versions of bower&yo this requires changes in following places:
"directory": "app/bower_components"
→ "directory": "public/angular/bower_components"
→ public/angular/bower_components
"appPath": "public/angular"
→ public/angular
If you are starting from scratch, move app
folder to public/angular
after $ yo angular