I need resize and redraw canvas, on mouse drawing.
I did demo, but this is not works, all time when i resize canvas it is clean all data
I tried different options like:
But without success
Your fiddle is working, i thing the only thing you missed is that resizing a canvas does clear it, so in the provided fiddle you clear it in fact on every single move of your mouse.
Edit : OK i think i understood your issues.
1) On resizing, you loose the content.
2) On resizing you loose current path, so you have to re-initiate a path drawing.
3) If you create a canvas on each mouse move, memory consumption will reach mountains and your app won't be reactive.
4) since the re-draw happens on a mouse move and not on a requestAnimationFrame, the whole thing will look quite hugly if you just do the full redraw on mouse move.
So i updated this fiddle so that it fixes all those issues :
try it here : http://jsfiddle.net/gamealchemist/JHr2P/78/
store / restore code :
var _storeCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var _storeCtx = _storeCanvas.getContext('2d');
function storeInTempCanvas() {
if (_storeCanvas == null || _storeCanvas.width < canvas.width || _storeCanvas.height ) {
_storeCanvas.width = 2 * canvas.width;
_storeCanvas.height = 2 * canvas.height;
_storeCtx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
function restorefromTempCanvas() {
ctx.drawImage(_storeCanvas, 0, 0);
updated mouse move code :
var draw = {
// ... same mousedwon code...
mousemove: function(coordinates) {
if (this.isDrawing) {
requestAnimationFrame ( function() {
ctx.lineTo(coordinates.x, coordinates.y);
ctx.moveTo(coordinates.x, coordinates.y);
} );
//... same mouseup code.