I am porting a Delphi application to FPC/Lazarus and this application shows info in splash screen. When unit has initialization section then this initialization section calls something like:
This works in Delphi, but when I compiled this using FPC/Lazarus then I got exception when I create form with splash screen:
Failed to create win32 control, error 1407 : Cannot find window class
I found, that forms can be created after Application.Initialize;
was called, so my workaround is to create splash form when ScreenInfo.Initialized=true
. It works, but does not show all info. Is there any way to show splash form from unit initialization section, before Application.Initialize;
In SplashScreen initialization code that is called for every string I want to show on this splash I finished with:
if not ScreenInfo.Initialized then
if not splash_inititialized then begin
SplashScreen := TSplashScreen.Create(Application);
splash_inititialized := true;