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How do I change the edge style between an mxCell and mxPoint in mxgraph?

I am trying to draw an edge with specific edge style, other than the default one. The problem is that I am drawing an edge between a cell and a point so that the edge appears as if coming from a cell to space in the graph.

edge = graph.insertEdge(parentCell, null, label, myCell,null);

I get exception:

"java.lang.ClassCastException: com.mxgraph.util.mxPoint cannot be cast to com.mxgraph.model.mxICell"

when I use this code:

mxGeometry geoCell = myCell.getGeometry();
mxPoint termPoint = new mxPoint(geoCell.getX() - (120 - (offset)), geoCell.getY() + 100);
graph.insertEdge(parentCell, null, "", myCell, termPoint, "edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle;elbow=horizontal;orthogonal=0;");

I am using JGraphX 1.10. Is there something I can replace the point with that wouldn't error and give the appearance of the edge connecting to space?


  • Try setting the terminal point on the geometry of the edge, you can't use the point as a source terminal as it's expected to be a cell (see exception):

    edge.geometry.setTerminalPoint(termPoint, true);

    If you are trying to implement a space between the terminal and the edge you can also use the STYLE_PERIMETER_SPACING for the vertex or one of STYLE_SOURCE/TARGET_PERIMETER_SPACING for the edge.