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'Titanium.API.INFO' is not displaying in console

I am using Windows 7.

but Ti.API.INFO not displaying in console. I changed log level also but still its not display in console can some one help how to show info..

Android device is working fine but not displaying INFO in it also.

and emulator is not launching also.'splash function run');


  • Maybe you can find your answer in this post

    Now, my 2 cents, sometimes there is a problem running the emulator when you have your phone plugged at the same time. You could try unplugging your device first.

    But perhaps, debugging with the emulator isn't what you want. I recommend to start the ddms tool. And use a query to search what you need, like one of these: tag:ti, tag:tia, tag:tiapi

    In order to do that, open a terminal and go to your android sdk folder, cd tools, and run ddms command. You can find where is your android sdk folder looking into Titanium Studio -> Preferences -> Studio -> Platforms -> Android.


    Another option is to run titanium commands from a terminal pointing to your project folder:

    cd "path/to/your/project/folder"
    # in case of using the emulator
    ti build -p android
    # in case of using your device
    ti build -p android -T device