Is it possible to express the statment below by ANSI SQL? Since the example below belongs to PL/SQL. Thanks in advance.
SELECT department_id,
MIN(salary) KEEP (DENSE_RANK FIRST ORDER BY commission_pct) "Worst",
MAX(salary) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY commission_pct) "Best"
FROM employees
GROUP BY department_id;
------------- ---------- ----------
10 4400 4400
20 6000 13000
30 2500 11000
40 6500 6500
50 2100 8200
60 4200 9000
70 10000 10000
80 6100 14000
90 17000 24000
100 6900 12000
110 8300 12000
7000 7000
This returns the same result (as far as I can tell) but does not need a join and is ANSI SQL:
select department_id,
min(case when min_comm = 1 then salary end) as worst,
max(case when max_comm = 1 then salary end) as best
from (
select department_id,
dense_rank() over (partition by department_id order by commission_pct desc) as max_comm,
dense_rank() over (partition by department_id order by commission_pct) as min_comm
from employees
) t
group by department_id
order by 1;