I'm looking for something to accomplish in Backbone. Here is the explanation.
I have backbone routes like
'': 'defaultRoute',
'test': 'test',
'testing': 'testing'
Assuming my root url is '/routes'
Now when I say 'router.navigate('test', {trigger: true});' url changes to /routes/test.
Similar way when I call 'router.navigate('testing', {trigger: true});' url changes to /routes/testing.
But when I call 'router.navigate('', {trigger: true});' url changes to /routes/.
You know i didn't expect that / at the end. I never passed that. It should have been back to root url i.e. '/routes'.
Adding / at the end makes lot of difference/meaning. Checkout 'http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.in/2010/04/to-slash-or-not-to-slash.html'
Any fix for that (i.e. not having / at the end for default route)?
This has been already fixed in Backbone's latest version. I asked a question on there forum and found the answer. I'm adding it here as an answer if it helps anyone who is looking for the same thing.