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Is it possible to do the Free Monad in Clojure?

There has been some outstanding work with Monads in Clojure by Konrad Hinsen, Jim Duey and Leonardo Borges.

My question is - is it possible to do the Free Monad in Clojure?

This is an example in Haskell from an article on Scala:

data Free f r = Free (f (Free f r)) | Pure r

This is the corresponding Scala example

sealed abstract class Free[S[+_], +A](implicit S: Functor[S]) {
  final def map[B](f: A => B): Free[S, B] =
    flatMap(a => Return(f(a)))

  final def flatMap[B](f: A => Free[S, B]): Free[S, B] = this match {
    case Gosub(a, g) => Gosub(a, (x: Any) => Gosub(g(x), f))
    case a           => Gosub(a, f)


  • Yes, following Luis Casillas answer, here is an implementation in clojure of the Free monad in clojure.

        (use 'clojure.algo.monads)
        ;; data Free f r = Free (f (Free f r)) | Pure r
        (defn pure [v] {:t :pure :v v})
        (defn impure [v] {:t :impure :v v })
        (defn free-monad
        (letfn [
                (fm-result [v] (pure v))         
                (fm-bind [mv mf]                 
                    (if (= :pure (:t mv))
                        (mf (:v mv))             ;; Pure a >>= f = f a
                        (impure                  ;; Free fa >>= f = Free (fmap (>>=f) fa) 
                         ((fmap (fn [lmv] (fm-bind lmv mf))) (:v mv)))))          
            :m-result fm-result
            :m-bind fm-bind
            :m-zero ::undefined 
            :m-plus ::undefined

    And an example from Why free monads matter:

    Definition of toy language.

        ;; Toy language
        (defn output [c n] [{:t :output :v c}, n])
        (defn bell [n] [{:t :bell}, n]) 
        (defn done [] [{:t :done}, nil]) 
        (defn toy-fmap [f]
        (fn [[e c]]
        (if (= :done (:t e))
            [e c]
            [e (f c)] 

    Definition of the monad for the toy language + helper functions

        (def tt-monad 
        (free-monad toy-fmap))
        (defn liftF [toy]
        (impure ((toy-fmap (fn [c] (pure c))) toy))
        (defn m-output [x] (liftF (output x nil)))
        (defn m-bell [] (liftF (bell nil)))
        (defn m-done [] (liftF (done)))
        (defn f-m-done [_] (m-done))

    And checking some rules :

        ;; return "a" >>= output  is Free(Output "a", ())
        ;; {:t :impure, :v [{:t :output, :v \a} {:t :pure, :v nil}]}  
        (with-monad tt-monad
        (m-bind (m-result \a) m-output)
        ;; output "a" >>= return  is Free(Output "a", ())
        ;; {:t :impure, :v [{:t :output, :v \a} {:t :pure, :v nil}]}
        (with-monad tt-monad
        (m-bind (m-output \a) m-result)
        ;; ((output 'A' >> done) >> output 'C')
        (with-monad tt-monad
        (m-bind (m-bind (m-output \a) f-m-done) (fn [_] (m-output \c))))
        ;;(output 'A' >> (done >> output 'C')) is output 'A' Done
        (with-monad tt-monad
        (m-bind (m-output \a) (fn [x] (m-bind (m-done) (fn [_] (m-output \c))))))

    This could be improved quite a lot in terms of readability of the data structure. Comments and improvements most welcome.