I need to prove that for every k, there's a DFA M with k+2 states, so in every automat M' who accepts the language reverse(L(M)) there are at least 2^k states.
Help would be really appreciated.
Thanks :)
Assuming that the alphabet set contains at least two elements, let it be {0,1}
Next, let M
be the automata accepting the language L
defined as:
All the strings which k-th position is 1
defined as:
M = {Q,{0,1},q0,{qk+1},δ}, where
δ(qi,a) = qi+1, for a in {0,1} and i=0,1,...,k-2
δ(qk-1,0) = qF,
δ(qk-1,1) = qk,
δ(qF,a) = qF, for a in {0,1}
Note that M
has exactly k+2
states, and that it accepts the language L
Now, note that the language reverse(L(M))
can be translated as:
All the strings which k-th position from the end is 1
To recognize that language, note that we need to remember the last k symbols, because we don't know when the string will end. We know that there are at least 2k possible strings of length k (since the alphabet size is at least 2).
So using a DFA, we need at least 2k states, each to represent one possible string of length k. ▢
The idea of this proof is to find a language which is "easy" to be recognized in normal way, but "difficult" when is read backward. Through experience, I remember that fixing the k-th position from the beginning is "easy", while k-th position from the end is "difficult", hence my answer.