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Cocoapods declaring multiple dependecies in the spec file

Till now I always had only one dependency to declare in a .podspec file.

My question is:

What is the correct way to include more than one?

When I include only one, I do it like this:

s.dependency = 'ReactiveCocoa'

How do I include more than one?


  • You can have multiple calls to dependency in your podspec file, for example in RestKit.podspec:

    s.subspec 'Core' do |cs|
        cs.source_files =  'Code/*.h', 'Vendor/LibComponentLogging/Core', 'Vendor/LibComponentLogging/NSLog'
        cs.header_dir   =  'RestKit'
        cs.dependency 'RestKit/ObjectMapping'
        cs.dependency 'RestKit/Network'
        cs.dependency 'RestKit/CoreData'