I am using Mechanize to scrape data off of KBB.com, my app takes a url and then uses Mechanize to go through the individual pages and find the price for the given url. There are a number of different pages that a url can lead to and my app needs to be able to figure out which page it has landed on. I am currently using an if / else statement to direct the logic but I am running into a problem that I seemingly cannot debug.
When my app arrives at the if / else statement and checks the condition:
if agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose this style")
I get:
NoMethodError (undefined method `link_with' for nil:NilClass)
I tried to debug this by using:
debugger if agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose this style").nil?
but that gives me the same error as above, only this time it says the debugger code is the source of the problem.
How do I debug this? Or what is a better way to code this so that my app does not hit this exception?
Here's the code:
def kbb_value(url)
agent = Mechanize.new
# rescue bad urls
page = agent.get(url)
rescue Mechanize::ResponseCodeError
page = agent.get(url.sub('styles', 'categories'))
rescue Mechanize::ResponseCodeError
page = 'http://www.kbb.com/acura/rsx/2002-acura-rsx/styles/?intent=buy-used'
# kbb.com has cookie problems - solution is to clear cookies after every request
# program determines which starting page it is on via if / else
debugger if agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose this style").nil?
if agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose this style")
agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose this style").click
# if the page allows additional options - skip that page
if agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose price type")
agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose price type").click
elsif agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose price type")
agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose price type").click
agent.page.link_with(:href => /bodystyle/).click
agent.page.link_with(:text => 'Choose this style').click
agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose price type").click
# Get the 'Good' car price from kbb.com
agent.page.links_with(:text => "Get used car price")[2].click
# instead of getting the 'retail' value, substitute in 'private-party' in the url. Then get that page and grab the kbb value.
agent.get(agent.page.uri.to_s.sub('retail', 'private-party'))
@kbb_value = agent.page.at('.selected .value').text.delete('$')
Try it with:
agent.page.link_with(:text => "Choose this style") rescue debugger
It seems that page is nil