I am building a CPU circuit with Logisim. My CPU has only 2 general purpose registers and a 16-byte RAM. I have encoded the following instruction set (Rxy means one of the two registers)
• ADD Rxy, Rxy (add Rxy and Rxy and store result inside the first register)
• SUB Rxy, Rxy (same but with sub)
• ST Rxy, Address (save value of Rxy into RAM address)
• LD Rxy, Address (load into Rxy value at RAM address)
• BZ Rxy, Address (branch to address if value of Rxy is zero)
I thought I could use decrement the second addend until it reaches 0 and at each step, add the first addend to itself.
For example, 5*3 = 5+5+5 ; 3-1-1-1
But I'm not sure my instruction can permit this program... I only have a branch if Rxy is equal to 0, whereas I would like to branch if not equal to 0.
My program currently looks like this :
Assume R1 is preloaded with second addends (iteration left count)
(A) LD R0, Address # constant 1
SUB R1, R0 # decrement iteration left
ST R1, Address # save iteration count in memory
LD R0, Address # Load first addend
LD R1, Address # load current total
ADD R0, R1 # do addition
ST R0, Address # save new current total
BZ R1, (B) # if iteration is 0, then display and end, else add
Is there a way to loop with my instruction set?
You can change
BZ R1, (B)
BZ R1, (B)
LD R0, Address # constant 1
SUB R0, R0
BZ R0, (A)