I would like to install spyder (the math IDE for python, here 2.7) on my windows 8.1 machine.
I did install python starting from http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.7.6/;
I did install pip after having installed setuptools, following http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html for these installations;
I did change my path to add C:\Python27 and C:\Python27\Scripts to it, digging into the advanced parameters of my PC's properties. (By the way, I can't beleive the way you do this on windows has not changed for ages, with such a small input where you forgot to go at the end of the value when adding your path...)
I did install spyder
pip install spyder
But when launching it in command line (it's in the path :-) ), I ran through this error:
RuntimeError: Please check Spyder installation requirements:
PyQt4 4.4+ (or PySide 1.1.1+) is required.
Which is truly true. Though,
when trying to pip PyQt4 :
No distributions at all found for PyQt4
when trying to pip PySide, I have many errors, the root one seeming that it is unable to find nmake
Any piece of advice ?
To install PySide on Windows you can choose from the following options:
Download and install the packages from the releases page.
Use setuptools to install the egg binary packages:
c:> c:\Python27\Scripts\easy_install PySide
Use pip to install the wheel binary packages:
c:> c:\Python27\Scripts\pip install --use-wheel PySide
Details are here https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PySide#installing-pyside-on-a-windows-system
BTW: PyQt does not support setuptools or pip