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equivalence of: git log --exclude-author?

At work we have a git repo where the majority of all commits are automated commits by a bot user. There are times when I prefer to view a git log from that repo, but without seeing the auto commits. I guess it could be described as an inverted "git log --author" or a "git log --exclude-author=botuser", if such as option had existed.

Currently I do the following, shortcuted to a bash alias.

git log --format="%H %aE" | grep -v -F botuser@domain | while read hash email; do git log -1 $hash; echo; done | less

My question is if there is a less hackish solution to what I want to accomplish?


  • From :

    git log --perl-regexp --author='^((?!excluded-author-regex).*)$'

    This worked for me.

    If you don't want to specify --perl-regexp every time you can do:

    git config --global grep.patternType perl