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How to document one file with functions?

I have a python file with functions (, without classes. Each function has the following style:

def fnc1(a,b,c):
    This fonction does something.

    :param a: lalala
    :type a: str
    :param b: hahaha
    :type b: int
    :param c: hohoho
    :type c: int

    :rtype: int


    print a
    d = b + c

    return d

I just want to document each function (inputs and outputs) with Sphinx.

After doing sphinx-quickstart, I defined the path in with my But the output HTML file (welcome page) is empty.

If I write myself in index.rst:

.. function:: func1(a,b,c)
    This fonction does something.

    :param a: lalala
    :type a: str
    :param b: hahaha
    :type b: int
    :param c: hohoho
    :type c: int
    :rtype: int

it is ok, it shows the inputs and outputs in html file. But how to do it automatically?

Normally, I think, it must to do it in lib.rst after doing sphinx-apidoc -o, but in lib.rst there is only:

lib module

.. automodule:: lib

Can somebody explain me step by step what I must do exactly?


  • First, when you run sphinx-quickstart, be sure you select autodoc:

    autodoc: automatically insert docstrings from modules (y/N) [n]: y

    Then, in the generated index.rst I usually add modules to include all the modules automatically (watch identation).

    .. toctree::
       :maxdepth: 4

    After this sphinx-apidoc -o does generates documentation for me.

    I wrote a guide to use Sphinx for Python code used in embedded systems, but the first steps of the Guide might be useful to you as well:

    How to generate sphinx documentation for python code running in an embedded system


    Here is a step-by-step list:

    1. Create
    2. Create documentation folder: mkdir doc

      ├── doc/
    3. Enter doc/: cd doc
    4. Execute sphinx-quickstart (Be sure to select autodoc: y, Makefile: y)
    5. Edit to specify sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
    6. Edit index.rst and specify modules in the toctree:

      .. toctree::
          :maxdepth: 2
    7. Execute sphinx-apidoc -o . ..
    8. Generate the html output: make html
    9. View your documentation: firefox _build/html/index.html