I'm learning kohana 3.3. I'm working on the model part. Basic query. But i don't know how to display the results i got from a query.
Here's the model.
class Model_People extends Model {
public function show_data() {
$query = DB::query(Database::SELECT, 'SELECT * FROM people');
return $query;
class Controller_People extends Controller {
public function action_index() {
$model = Model::factory('people');
$view = View::factory('base_template');
$model->user = $model->show_data();
foreach($user as $row) {
echo "<h2>".$row['Name']."</h2>";
I don't want to use ORM I'm using QUERY BUILDER. When I run the code it says variable user not defined. How do I display the results correctly? thanks.
Try this
class Controller_People extends Controller {
public function action_index() {
$model = Model::factory('people');
$view = View::factory('base_template');
$view->user = $model->show_data();
then loop in view
foreach($user as $row) :
echo "<h2>".$row['Name']."</h2>";