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dataGridView Row Filteration using NAV web services

I am trying to create a filterable data view of data which I get it through a web service in NAV 2009.

I created a windows form and pulled the essential data from a NAV page, created an array and showed in a dataGridView using web services.

What I need now, is to filter by row the data which I have in my dataGridView.

My code would be

private void LoadDataGrid()

        WS_GLEntry_Service GLEntryService = new WS_GLEntry_Service();
        GLEntryService.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

        WS_GLEntry[] Entries = GLEntryService.ReadMultiple(null,null,0);
        dataGridView1.DataSource = Entries;

        (dataGridViewFields.DataSource as DataTable).DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("Field = '{0}'", textBox1.Text);

But in the last line of my code which contains dataGridViewFields is not in the context. If I want to modify my coding how should I do?

Thank you.


  • If you want to read filtered data why don't you use first parameter filterArray of ReadMultiple function which reads a filtered set of records

    List<Customer_Filter> filterArray = new List<Customer_Filter>();
    Customer_Filter nameFilter = new Customer_Filter();
    nameFilter.Field = Customer_Fields.Name;
    nameFilter.Criteria = "S*";
    Customer[] custList = service.ReadMultiple(filterArray.ToArray(), null, 100);