Okay, so I've been trying to teach myself Prolog recently, and am having a hard time wrapping my head around finding a "Shortest Path" between two (defined) elements in a list of lists. It may not be the most effective way of representing a Grid or finding a Shortest Path, but I'd like to try it this way.
For example:
A few assumptions I can make (either given or based on checking before path-finding):
The goal is for '1' to find a shortest path to '2'.
In the instance of:
Notice, there are two "Shortest paths":
In Prolog, I'm trying to make the function (if that's the proper name):
I've made a function to find elements '1' and '2', and a function that verifies that the grid is valid, but I can't even begin how to start constructing a function to find a shortest path from '1' to '2'.
Given a defined Grid, I'd like the output of Path to be the shortest path. Or, given a defined Grid AND a defined Path, I'd like to check if it's indeed a shortest path.
Help would be much appreciated! If I missed anything, or was unclear, let me know!
not optimized solution
shortestPath(G, S) :-
findall(L-P, (findPath(G,P), length(P,L)), All),
keysort(All, [_-S|_]).
findPath(G, Path) :-
pos(G, (Rs,Cs), 1),
findPath(G, [(Rs,Cs)], [], Path).
findPath(G, [Act|Rest], Trail, Path) :-
pos(G, Next, Elem),
( Elem == 2
-> reverse([Move|Trail], Path)
; Elem == o
-> \+ memberchk(Next, Rest),
findPath(G, [Next,Act|Rest], [Move|Trail], Path)
move((R,C), (R1,C1), M) :-
R1 is R-1, C1 is C , M = u;
R1 is R , C1 is C-1, M = l;
R1 is R+1, C1 is C , M = d;
R1 is R , C1 is C+1, M = r.
pos(G, (R,C), E) :- nth1(R, G, Row), nth1(C, Row, E).