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How do I use AFNetworking/AFOauth2Client with the Imgur API? I simply want to be able to get image information, no logging in

I'm interested in integrating the Imgur API into my app, and it states that in order to get image information (basically the extent of what I need right now) I just need to register my app, no need to log in with user information or anything.

Great, I'm using AFOAuth2Client (specifically this pull request so it works with AFNetworking 2.0). I have my client key and client secret, but I can't seem to figure out how to get to an image.

I try the following code (personal API details removed):

AFOAuth2Client *oauthClient = [AFOAuth2Client clientWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] clientID:@"---" secret:@"---"];

[oauthClient authenticateUsingOAuthWithURLString:@"" parameters:nil success:^(AFOAuthCredential *credential) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {

But I always get No outputted. How do I properly authenticate so I can then make calls to the API to get information about an image? (As detailed here.)

As I've been told I don't need OAuth period, I tried the following with AFNetworking 2.0 (to no avail):

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *operationManager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager];

[operationManager POST:@"" parameters:@{@"Authorization": @"Client-ID myactualclientidisremoved"} success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {


  • First, the example is using Imgur API v2 which is old and unsupported. You should be using API v3.

    Also note that:

    For public read-only and anonymous resources, such as getting image info, looking up user comments, etc. all you need to do is send an authorization header with your client_id in your requests.

    from docs at -- so you don't really need OAuth for what you're doing.

    There is some example Imgur API code that might help you, listed at -- the Android example might be more relevant to you, since it uses Java, but unsurprisingly it comes with all the overhead of an Android project, compared with a plain Java application.