rake aborted! RSolr::Error::Http - 404 Not Found Error: NOT_FOUND
Request Data: "type:Product"
There is 0 records in the solr data. So of course a delete query will fail because there is no records. But it's failing and aborting the sunspot reindex entirely so I cannot ever put in data into solr.
sunspot (2.0.0) sunspot_rails (2.0.0) sunspot_solr (2.0.0)
First, you should upgrade to 2.1.0 https://github.com/sunspot/sunspot
Afterwards, try changing sunspot.yml
in the following way:
In development block, add this line:
solr_home: solr
If that doesn't work, in same file change
path: /solr/development
path: /solr/default
Try different combinations with these and see what works.