Hi i am writing a list as follow:
> l = [[10312, -13.069404602050781], [10313, -28.044403076171875],
> [10314, -32.765602111816406], [10315, -47.353294372558594],
> [10312, -63.069404602050781], [10313, -78.044403076171875],
> [10314, -82.765602111816406], [10315, -97.353294372558594]]
as you can see from line 3 the first item of the list get repeated, what i am trying to achieve is that a soon as the loop reaches maxCount, instead of keep appending at the bottom of the list, it appends on the right. what i would ideally like to obtain is:
l = [[10312, -13.069404602050781, -63.069404602050781],
[10313, -28.044403076171875, -78.044403076171875],
[10314, -32.765602111816406, -82.765602111816406],
[10315, -47.353294372558594, -97.353294372558594]]
any ideas?
I have came up with a solution, but I feel a bit limited, I am using now a list of list generator, like this
for k in range(0, len(elementContainer):
k = []
I thought to you a dictionary generator but could not get it to work, any help or if you have a better solution.
This does the job, if I undesrtood correctly:
l = [[10312, -13.069404602050781], [10313, -28.044403076171875],
[10314, -32.765602111816406], [10315, -47.353294372558594],
[10312, -63.069404602050781], [10313, -78.044403076171875],
[10314, -82.765602111816406], [10315, -97.353294372558594]]
from pprint import pprint
d = {}
for i,(x,n) in enumerate(l):
print i,x,n
if x in d:
del l[i][:]
d[x] = i
l = filter(None,l)
pprint (l)
Here's a better algorithm because there's no more the filtering of the list done by the instruction l = filter(None,l)
, so the transformation is in-place.
This instruction l = filter(None,l)
creates a new list, that is to say a new object at another address in the memory: then the above code don't realize an in-place transformation of the list.
The following one performs such an in-place transformation, as it is put in evidence by the printing of the identities (id est addresses) of the list l
before and after its treatment.
l = [[10312, -13.069404602050781],
[10313, -28.044403076171875],
[10314, -32.765602111816406],
[10312, -63.069404602050781, -55.4444],
[20666, -91, -92, -93, -94],
[10315, -47.353294372558594],
[10314, -82.765602111816406],
[10315, -97.353294372558594],
[10313, -78.044403076171875],
[20666, -40.33, -94, -50.33, -91, -93]
from pprint import pprint
d = {}
to_del = []
print 'id(l) before : ',id(l)
pprint (l)
for i,subli in enumerate(l):
if subli[0] in d:
d[subli[0]] = subli
for i in to_del:
del l[i]
print '\nid(l) after : ',id(l)
pprint (l)
Note that in the former code, the values of d
were the indexes of the sublists of l
Now in this new code, the values of d
are directly the sublists of l
It is more pythonic to reference objects directly, instead of referecing them indirectly through their indexes in the list whose they are elements of.
The list to_del
records the indexes of the sublists that will be deleted after the first loop. Each index added is inserted at the beginning of to_del
(not appended to it) so that the second loop ( for i in to_del
)will run retrogressively through the list l
, which is the condition that must be respected when elements of a list are deleted on the basis of their indexes.
The instruction d[subli.pop(0)].extend(subli)
may seem somewhat a little difficult to understand.
The operations begins with the execution of subli.pop(0)
: this instruction triggers the extraction of the element indexed 0 from the sublist subli
and returns it.
Then d[subli.pop(0)]
furnishes the object subli.pop(0) to d
as a key, meanwhile this objects is removed from the sublist subli
So, at this point, the sublist subli
has been shortened of its first element, as if the instruction subli[:] = subli[1:]
had been performed see remark at the bottom.
Next, the sublist d[subli.pop(0)]
, that had been precedently encountered in l
during the iteration through list l
, is extended with the elements remaining in the sublist subli
after this one has been shortened, that is to say with the elements that were indexed 1
to len(subli)-1
BEFORE it was shortened. But, as subli
has been shortened, we only write subli
, not subli[1:]
And it works ! Result:
id(l) before : 18732936
[[10312, -13.069404602050781],
[10313, -28.044403076171875],
[10314, -32.765602111816406],
[10312, -63.06940460205078, -55.4444],
[20666, -91, -92, -93, -94],
[10315, -47.353294372558594],
[10314, -82.7656021118164],
[10315, -97.3532943725586],
[10313, -78.04440307617188],
[20666, -40.33, -94, -50.33, -91, -93]]
id(l) after : 18732936
[[10312, -13.069404602050781, -63.06940460205078, -55.4444],
[10313, -28.044403076171875, -78.04440307617188],
[10314, -32.765602111816406, -82.7656021118164],
[20666, -91, -92, -93, -94, -40.33, -94, -50.33, -91, -93],
[10315, -47.353294372558594, -97.3532943725586]]
If you want that only non-redudant elements be added to a previously existing sublist, it must be:
for i,subli in enumerate(l):
print 1,subli
if subli[0] in d:
precsubli = d[subli.pop(0)]
precsubli.extend(el for el in subli
if el not in precsubli)
d[subli[0]] = subli
Note the difference :
N = [10000,2,3,4]
initial_id = id(N)
print initial_id, N
N = N[1:]
print id(N), N
print '%d==%d : %s' %\
(initial_id, id(N), initial_id==id(N) )
print '------------------'
A = ['HEY','b','c','d']
initial_id = id(A)
print initial_id, A
A[:] = A[1:]
print id(A), A
print '%d==%d : %s' %\
(initial_id, id(A), initial_id==id(A) )
18669480 [10000, 2, 3, 4]
11868480 [2, 3, 4]
18669480==11868480 : False
18731816 ['HEY', 'b', 'c', 'd']
18731816 ['b', 'c', 'd']
18731816==18731816 : True
That means that A
is modified in-place, while object referenced by N
is not: the instruction N[1:]
builds a new object, at a location in the memory elsewhere than the location of the object referenced by N