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How can I let the user load/play their own songs in XNA?

I made a song player program using XNA 4.0 and I was wondering if there is a way to allow the user to play/load their own songs. I can play songs from a list that I make but I want the user to be able to play their own songs.


  • Have the user select a file. The song class can be instantiated using the file name:

    Song usersSong= Song.FromUri(@"file:///" + openFileDialogue.FileName);

    If you want them to have options for more than one song, you will have to manage the playlist yourself. Try getting them to identify a folder, getting all of the file names from that folder, and loading those file names into a list. You can then iterate through the list every time the xna mediaplayer raises the event that a song has finished playing.

    With some elbow grease and creativity you can come up with some interesting ways of using a users music.