I have a report that uses a TChart that I am maintaining. One of the TLineSeries that gets added automatically gets assigned the color clWhite, which is too close to the background (clBtnFace).
If I change it, then the next series that gets added takes clWhite. So short of going back and changing it after all the other series are created, is there some way to tell the TChart that I don't want any of my series to be clWhite?
When a series is added to the TChart the TChart assigns it a color. I want it to not assign clWhite.
OK not one to give up easily, I did some more searching. There is a unit variable called ColorPalette of type TColorArray in the TeeProcs unit. If I find and replace white with a different color that fixes it. There may be an instance copy of it. I'll keep looking since that would be preferred.
To revert the ColorPalette back just call the unit method SetDefaultColorPalette in the same unit.
SetDefaultColorPalette; // Make sure we start with the default
ColorPalette[4] := $007FFF; // Change White to Orange
// add series to the chart
SetDefaultColorPalette; // Set it back to Default
BTW, I can't accept as answer because I asked the question too, but I tested it and it works.