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What is Part of speech (POS) tag in natural language processing

I am trying to get introduce by Stanford NLP package. I tried to execute few examples on my system.

for sentense: I like it it gives following result:


Can some one please tell me what is PRP , VBP? for sentence It was very fantastic experience it gives:

Example 2

Can someone please elaborate this result?

It can be tested here:

I want to get sentiment result of the sentence. Whether +ve or -ve? with its score value.


  • The Stanford NLP documentation refers to the Penn treebank documentation for the precise definitions.

    However, if PRP == personal pronoun and VBP == present-tense verb were hard to guess, perhaps you should start with some NLP fundamentals before attempting this.

    A part-of-speech tagger as such does not perform any sort of sentiment analysis.