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How to make Robot Framework functions accept arguments as strings instead of the default unicode type

I am writing a new RF library which are expected to take string arguments because the (pre-existing) Python library that I use is expecting strings, not unicode. Ofcourse I can convert each unicode to string before calling my existing function which supports only strings.

import ConfigParser

class RFConfigParser:

def get (self,section, option):
    print type (section) #prints unicode
    section = str (section) #works but I dont want to do this
    return self._config.get (section, option) #this pre-existing function expect a string input

The problem is I have lots of similar functions and in each of these functions I will have to call this unicode to string conversion circus.

Is there a straight forward way of doing this, so that the RF function will directly accept in string format

Another question is the default unicode support a Robot Framework feature or a RIDE feature ? (I am using RIDE, is that why I am getting this problem)


  • You can cast those Unicode strings to normal strings using Evaluate keyword before you pass them to your library.

    Something like this:

    def foo(foo):
        print type(foo)


    *** Settings ***
    *** Test Cases ***
        ${bar}    Evaluate    str('bar')
        foo    ${bar}

    What the best solution is depends on the exact situation. Maybe one solution is to write a keyword that does that casting for you and then calls the library function. Maybe the best option still is to just modify your library to accept Unicode strings. It depends.