This is driving me nuts! I have a TabControl wich holds 5 tabs. Each tab has a ListView with multiple checkboxes. Now i'd like to pass my TabControl to a method and for each ListView - clear all checkboxes.
Doesn't seem so hard, but it was!
foreach (var myItem in tabControl1.Controls) {
if (myItem is ListView) { // surprisingly doesnt work...
// loop through ListView find CheckBox...
What is wrong with the if-statement?
Edit: This code works! Hmm?!
foreach (ListViewItem listItem in listView1.Items)
listItem.Checked = false;
Solution: I Was looking for "CheckBox", but it's actually a ListViewItem with the property Checked = true/false.
Also see code below, nice recursive method!
void ClearAllCheckBoxes(Control ctrl)
foreach (Control childControl in ctrl.Controls)
if (childControl is ListView)
foreach (ListViewItem item in ((ListView)childControl).Items)
item.Checked = false;
else ClearAllCheckBoxes(childControl);
And use: