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oracle stored procedures

how can I make oracle procedure with oracle xe, how can I check if input is valid or not? ex: if my input is number and I type in char that procedure prints out something in that case, I've dealt with SQL but not with these kind of procedures? any help is appreciated


This was a dummy example .. what I meant is to start from the most simple thing then move on up to the more complicated examples, what I actually need is check if a field book in table books equals 0 then stop borrowing query to insert else insert.


  • Here is an example of the sort of process I think you want. I have had to make a couple of (I hope educated) guesses to fill in the gaps in your example.

    create or replace procedure borrow_book
        ( p_book in
          , p_borrower in ) 
        cursor cur_book is
            select out_flag
            from books
            where id = p_book
            for update of out_flag;
        rec_book cur_book%rowtype;
        open cur_book;
        fetch cur_book into rec_book;
        if rec_book.out_flag = 0
            raise_application_error(-20000, 'Book is already out on loan.');
            insert into loans (book_id, borrower_id, issue_date)
            values (p_book, p_borrower, sysdate);
            update books
            set out_flag = 0
            where current of cur_books;
        end if;
        close cur_book;
    end borrow_book;