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IPython will not start in Chrome

I am using an Anaconda 32-bit intallation of python 2.7.5.

When I try ipython notebook at prompt or via Anaconda launcher the Chrome tab opens at and all I get is a blank, white browser screen.

C&P of into IE10 correctly opens with no problem.

The command prompt for ipython notebook -debug shows:

[tornado.access] WARNING | 404 GET api/sessions?_=1385980866174 ( 0.00ms

I am not connected through any proxies.


I realize now that localhost:8888 works on Chrome. IS there some setting I can change so that when it defaults to IPython runs, rather than change to localhost every time.


  • Since you mentioned IE10, I am assuming you are on Windows.

    You problem is very strange. should be equivalent to localhost regardless of your browser. If it works in IE10, then it indicates that it is a problem with Chrome and not your OS. You should check your HOSTS file nonetheless.

    Try clearing Chrome's browser cache, user profiles etc. Even going so far as re-installing Chrome might get things to work.