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How to print instance name that do not match numerically between 2 files?

I would like to compare 2 files numerically for each instance name and output any mismatch property.


CELLA CELLA 0.0000 0.0000 0 0 50 47 100 390 798 1000 3349 2938
CELLA/I0/I0 INV 0.0200 0.2210 0 0 20 200 30 100 430 770 230 940
CELLA/I0/I2 INV 1.0400 0.2210 0 0 530 200 250 261 1230 670 1240 390


CELLA CELLA 0.0000 0.0000 0 0 50 47 100 390 798 1000 3349 2938
CELLA/I0/I2 INV 1.0400 0.2218 0 0 530 200 250 261 1230 670 1240 390
CELLA/I0/I0 INV 0.0200 0.2210 0 0 20 200 30 100 430 770 230 940

Expected Output(CELLA/I0/I2 which 0.2218 is not equal to 0.2210):

-ERROR: CELLA/I0/I2 has mismatch property.

My code so far,how should I fix my code?

use strict;

my %hash;

sub read_hash {
  my $fname = shift;
  open(my $fh, "<", $fname) or die "$!";
  while (<$fh>) {
    my ($occurname, $tempname, $x, $y, $reflection, $rotation, $xy1, $xy2, $xy3,$xy4,  
 $xy5, $xy6, $xy7, $xy8, $xy9, $xy10, $xy11, $xy12, $xy13) = split /\s+/, $fh;

my %hash1 = read_hash("Ref.txt");
my %hash2 = read_hash("New.txt");

if ($hash1{$x}{$y}{$reflection}{$rotation}{$xy1}{$xy2}{$xy3}{$xy4}{$xy5}{$xy6}{$xy7}{$xy8}{$xy9}{$xy10}{$xy11}{$xy12}{$xy13}
    != $hash2{$x}{$y}{$reflection}{$rotation}{$xy1}{$xy2}{$xy3}{$xy4}{$xy5}{$xy6}{$xy7}{$xy8}{$xy9}{$xy10}{$xy11}{$xy12}{$xy13}) {
  print "$occurname has mismatch property";
else {
  print "Match\n";


  • I'm sorry, but I'm not inclined to work through your code explaining all the problems. The biggest error is that nested hashes don't work like that. Here is a complete revision that does what you ask.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my %ref_data;
    open my $fh, '<', 'Ref.txt' or die $!;
    while (<$fh>) {
      my ($occurname, $tempname, @data) = split;
      $ref_data{$occurname} = \@data;
    open $fh, '<', 'New.txt' or die $!;
    while (<$fh>) {
      my ($occurname, $tempname, @data) = split;
      my $ref_data = $ref_data{$occurname};
      unless ($ref_data and grep($data[$_] != $ref_data->[$_], 0..$#data) == 0) {
        print "$occurname has mismatch property\n";


    CELLA/I0/I2 has mismatch property