I am looking for sample RESTFull application, that can be deployed in Webpshere Application Server 7.x.
Posting here with great hope after exhaustive search. Any help much appreciated.
A RESTFull application from a WebSphere perspective is an application deployed in WebSphere Application Server (WAS) that can respond to "REST" requests. IBM's WebSphere Application Server implements the JAX-RS APIs to easily declare a Java class as exposed through REST requests.
If one does a quick google on the phrase "websphere jax-rs" in the first page of results one will find a large list of samples, examples and tutorials. Working through any of those samples should result in what you are looking for.
See for example:
http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/radhelp/v8/topic/com.ibm.webservice.samptut.doc/topics/jaxrstut/jaxrs_abstract.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrcS5HA7fUo