When I try to run the code below:
$conBud = Propel::getConnection(MyTestBudgetPeer::DATABASE_NAME); // DATABASE_NAME = 'Budget'
$conIn = Propel::getConnection(MyTestInvoicePeer::DATABASE_NAME); // DATABASE_NAME = 'Invoice'
$idcl = '1235';
// Do db udpates related to database Budget (here around 15 tables and 500 data rows are update)
// budExModel is a table, primary id from this table is used to update InvoiceTest Table below
$idtest = $budExModel->save($conBud);
// Code to Update one table for database Invoice (only one table)
// Create a Criteria object that will select the correct rows from the database
$selectCriteria = new Criteria();
$selectCriteria->add(InvoiceTestPeer::IDCL, $idcl, Criteria::EQUAL);
// Create a Criteria object includes the value you want to set
$updateCriteria = new Criteria();
$updateCriteria->add(InvoiceTestPeer::IDTEST, $idtest);
// Execute the query
BasePeer::doUpdate($selectCriteria, $updateCriteria, $conIn);
} catch (Exception $e)
I get error: ["Unable to execute UPDATE statement [UPDATE
IDTEST=:p1 WHERE invoice_test.IDCL=:p2 ] [wrapped: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction]
Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
Error I am getting is for the table/db which has lesser data and only processes for one table.
Is this not allowed for mysql?
I already changed innodb_lock_wait_timeout and tried restarting mysql so they are not an option.
Edit: Here IDTEST I am trying to udpate for table invoice_test is an fk from Table Budget_test from database Budget.
It seems that the reason behind the error was foreign key constraint on idtest.
Here $idtest
is primary_key of newly saved row from table bud_ex; This retrieved from last_insert_id, this was the same id that is trying to be used in incoice_test table. Problem here is, I was trying to use $idtest, but the connection/transaction wasn't committed hence when trying to use this id, it threw an fk constraint error which in return lock time out exceeded.
To get this to work I had to run a query to set foreign key checks as false for invoice database.
set foreign_key_checks = 0;
Along with this I made certain few changes to the php code to make the try catch block more concrete.
// Do stuff
// Do stuff
catch (Exception $e)
throw $e;
catch (Exception $e)
// Oops $con2 was already committed, we need to manually revert operations done with $con2
throw $e;
catch (Exception $e)
throw $e;