I am trying to split and assign the values into an array for a text like this:
Title: Wonderful World
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed facilisis nulla dui, etiaculis enim porta aliquet.
Etiam ante mauris, luctus non ultricies ut, pellentesque non eros.
<b>Pellentesque</b> sit amet eros in quam pharetra fermentum quis ac lacus.
Maecenas turpis purus, molestie eu quam non, adipiscing hendrerit nibh.
Go to <a href="/">Main Site</a>
Image: mysite.com/images/logo.png
After splitting and parsing it should be equivalent to PHP array like:
array (
'Title' => "Wonderful World",
'Text' => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed facilisis nulla dui, etiaculis enim porta aliquet.
Etiam ante mauris, luctus non ultricies ut, pellentesque non eros.
<b>Pellentesque</b> sit amet eros in quam pharetra fermentum quis ac lacus.
Maecenas turpis purus, molestie eu quam non, adipiscing hendrerit nibh.
Go to <a href="http://google.com/>Google</a>",
'Image' => "Image: mysite.com/images/logo.png"
So basically what it will do is:
Split the text by 4 dashes ----, so it will ignore if it's less than or more than 4 dashes. If possible, also ignore 4 dashing following by other characters like
---- xxxx
should work (followed by a space or line break).
Create array key for the first word followed by the first colon
Create array value that comes after a word followed by column until it's end of file or meets another ----
It should preserve the HTML tags and lines
If there is only one keyword with colon even without 4 dash separator, it will still assigned to an array with sing element, so if the text contains:
Title: Wonderful World
will still create
array (
'Title' => "Wonderful World"
It should be intelligent enough to ignore the spaces between the keyword and colon, so the following 3 examples will be treated the same way:
Title: Wonderful World
Title :Wonderful World
Title : Wonderful World
and still able to create the array like
array (
'Title' => "Wonderful World"
I have looked into YAML, but it's not ideal for standard text input. Do you know any PHP library or how I can pull this off? Thank you.
Try this:
$src = <<<END_SRC
Title: Wonderful World
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Sed facilisis nulla dui, etiaculis enim porta aliquet.
Etiam ante mauris, luctus non ultricies ut, pellentesque non eros.
<b>Pellentesque</b> sit amet eros in quam pharetra fermentum quis ac lacus.
Maecenas turpis purus, molestie eu quam non, adipiscing hendrerit nibh.
Go to <a href="/">Main Site</a>
Image: mysite.com/images/logo.png
$a = preg_split('/----\s/',$src);
$data = array();
foreach ($a as $part) {
list ($key,$value) = explode(':',$part,2);
$key = trim($key);
$value = trim($value);
if (isset($data[$key])) $data[$key] .= "\n\n$value";
else $data[$key] = $value;