How can I include a bookmarklet in a Markdown parsed document? Is there any "tag" for markdown that basically says "don't parse this"??
For example you could have something like:
<a href="javascript:function my_bookmarklet()
{alert('Hello World');}
But if I try to past the javascript from that into a link in markdown like this:
[Hello World!](javascript:function my_bookmarklet(){alert('Hello World');}my_bookmarklet();)
You get a messed up link, like below.
[Hello World!](javascript:function my_bookmarklet(){alert('Hello World');}my_bookmarklet();)
Is there anyway around this?
And no, I'm not trying to put malicious bookmarklets in SO or anything, but I want to use markdown for my site and would like to post some bookmarklets I wrote.
Edit: I thought I had the answer...but now it seems I don't quite have it.
This seems to work great in WMD and showdown, but in the Markdown.php editor, it does not. Anyone have experience with Markdown.php specifically?
Markdown will leave any HTML alone, so you can just enter
<a href="javascript:function my_bookmarklet()
{alert('Hello World');}
and get Hello. Edit: No longer works on SO, which is a good thing
You can also escape special characters with a backslash (in this case it's seeing the ")"s in your Javascript as the end of the URL) and the link syntax will work:
[Hello](javascript:function my_bookmarklet(\){alert('Hello World'\);}my_bookmarklet(\);)
gives [Hello](javascript:function my_bookmarklet(){alert('Hello World');}my_bookmarklet();)