I have a FireMonkey Mobile app which I had working with a TSQlConnection and a TSQLDataset on the actual form. The dataset was populating a TComboBox with no problems but then I decided I would put all of my Database code etc into a DataModule.
Move the TSqlConnection and data source across and add the Datamodul. Checked to make sure it all works and is open without problems. I then remove the original components from the form and remove the bindings completely. Redo the bindings so that they use the data stuff from the datamodule. Build the app and go the correct form... Nothing in the combobox.
Attached events on the open etc of the datasets and they are all open and okay. Even fires the FilledList event on the bindings... So why do they not appear when they used to?
Code for Combobox
object itemModel: TListBoxItem [1]
Height = 44.000000000000000000
Position.Y = 44.000000000000000000
StyleLookup = 'listboxitemnodetail'
Width = 384.000000000000000000
object cboModel: TComboBox
Align = alClient
DisableFocusEffect = False
Height = 32.000000000000000000
TabOrder = 0
Width = 384.000000000000000000
Code for the Datasource
object BindSourceDB2: TBindSourceDB
DataSet = dmdLocal.dsModels
ScopeMappings = <>
Left = 176
Top = 272
Code for the link fill
object LinkFillControlToField2: TLinkFillControlToField
Category = 'Quick Bindings'
Control = cboModel
Track = True
FillDataSource = BindSourceDB2
FillDisplayFieldName = 'MODEL'
AutoFill = True
BufferCount = -1
AutoBufferCount = False
FillExpressions = <>
FillHeaderExpressions = <>
FillBreakGroups = <>
Edited to add the code
You need to ensure that your data module is created before your form. This is so when the form is opened, there's an instance (in this case) of dmdLocal which in turn has an instance of the datasource you're after - in this case dsModels. Otherwise you could assign the property at runtime once you know your datamodule has been created.