I try to use below steps to get a SVG file but it seems the output SVG file not displayed correctly.
Use latex to compile latex code test.tex to dvi file.
\node (O) at (0,0) {$O$};
\draw (0,0) circle (\r);
\draw[->] (-\r,0)--(\r,0);
\draw[->] (0,-\r)--(0,\r);
Compile to dvi (test.dvi) with below command line:
# latex test.tex
use dvisvgm tool to convert dvi file to SVG (test.svg).
# dvisvgm --no-fonts test.dvi
The SVG file seems created successfully but it only display a O character in Chrome Browser or Firefox. So I guess the SVG file maybe something wrong. The SVG file content as below:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
<!-- This file was generated by dvisvgm 1.2.2 (x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0) -->
<!-- Sat Nov 30 21:38:15 2013 -->
<svg height='6.8078pt' version='1.1' viewBox='-15.1079 -21.9156 7.87601 6.8078' width='7.87601pt' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'>
<path d='M7.4 -4.36C7.4 -5.97 6.34 -7.05 4.85 -7.05C2.69 -7.05 0.49 -4.78 0.49 -2.45C0.49 -0.79 1.61 0.22 3.05 0.22C5.17 0.22 7.4 -1.97 7.4 -4.36ZM3.11 -0.04C2.12 -0.04 1.42 -0.85 1.42 -2.17C1.42 -2.61 1.56 -4.07 2.33 -5.24C3.02 -6.28 4 -6.8 4.79 -6.8C5.61 -6.8 6.51 -6.24 6.51 -4.75C6.51 -4.03 6.24 -2.47 5.25 -1.24C4.77 -0.63 3.95 -0.04 3.11 -0.04Z' id='g0-79'/>
<g id='page1' transform='matrix(0.996264 0 0 0.996264 0 0)'>
<use x='-15.1645' xlink:href='#g0-79' y='-15.1645'/>
Anything wrong with dvisvgm command?
You probably ran dvisvgm with deactivated PostScript support. You can find further information on how to check this on the dvisvgm FAQ page. With activated PS support, I get the correct result:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!-- This file was generated by dvisvgm 1.5.1 (x86_64-pc-win64) -->
<!-- Sun Dec 01 20:59:37 2013 -->
<svg height='113.785pt' version='1.1' viewBox='-72 -72 113.785 113.785' width='113.785pt' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'>
<path d='M7.4 -4.36C7.4 -5.97 6.34 -7.05 4.85 -7.05C2.69 -7.05 0.49 -4.78 0.49 -2.45C0.49 -0.79 1.61 0.22 3.05 0.22C5.17 0.22 7.4 -1.97 7.4 -4.36ZM3.11 -0.04C2.12 -0.04 1.42 -0.85 1.42 -2.17C1.42 -2.61 1.56 -4.07 2.33 -5.24C3.02 -6.28 4 -6.8 4.79 -6.8C5.61 -6.8 6.51 -6.24 6.51 -4.75C6.51 -4.03 6.24 -2.47 5.25 -1.24C4.77 -0.63 3.95 -0.04 3.11 -0.04Z' id='g0-79'/>
<g id='page1' transform='matrix(0.996264 0 0 0.996264 0 0)'>
<g transform='matrix(1 0 0 1 -3.938 3.4039)'>
<use x='-15.1645' xlink:href='#g0-79' y='-15.1645'/>
<path d='M41.7418 -15.166C41.7418 -46.5921 16.2639 -72.0701 -15.166 -72.0701C-46.5921 -72.0701 -72.0701 -46.5921 -72.0701 -15.166C-72.0701 16.2639 -46.5921 41.7418 -15.166 41.7418C16.2639 41.7418 41.7418 16.2639 41.7418 -15.166ZM-15.166 -15.166' fill='none' stroke='#000000' stroke-miterlimit='10.0375' stroke-width='0.399994'/>
<path d='M-72.0701 -15.166H41.2831' fill='none' stroke='#000000' stroke-miterlimit='10.0375' stroke-width='0.399994'/>
<path d='M40.0834 -16.7658C40.1814 -16.1659 41.2832 -15.2641 41.5812 -15.166C41.2832 -15.0641 40.1814 -14.1662 40.0834 -13.5663' fill='none' stroke='#000000' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-miterlimit='10.0375' stroke-width='0.319985'/>
<path d='M-15.166 41.7418V-71.6113' fill='none' stroke='#000000' stroke-miterlimit='10.0375' stroke-width='0.399994'/>
<path d='M-16.7658 -70.4115C-16.1659 -70.5096 -15.2641 -71.6113 -15.166 -71.9093C-15.0641 -71.6113 -14.1662 -70.5096 -13.5663 -70.4115' fill='none' stroke='#000000' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-miterlimit='10.0375' stroke-width='0.319985'/>